Rad Acton with Garden Sculpture
Rad Acton with Garden Sculpture


About the Artist: Rad Collier Acton is an alumnus of Grinnell College (B.A.78’) and MIT (M.Arch.82’). He lived for 15 months working in Barcelona, Rome and Pietrasanta, Italy where he studied hand-made paper making, architecture, and sculpture. In Barcelona Acton worked with master paper maker Laurence Barker who has made handmade print papers for the likes of Juan Miro and Paul Rauschenberg. While in Pietrsanta, Rad worked in the studio of master artisan sculptor Sem Ghilardini, who worked for such artists as Isamu Noguchi and Henri Moore. Rad currently lives and works in Santa Fe with his wife, Marla, where he has his art studio and architectural office. Rad, also is a licensed architect, continuing as owner/principal of Acton Architecture.

Acton writes: “Architecture is a form of cultural art in that it is an inherent expression of the milieu from which it is created. And so it is with my art, but more purely so, in that it is an unfettered commentary of that milieu. My recent art work explores this commentary in greater depth through the incorporation of discarded cast iron and steel objects.
